My mission is to inspire you to push through during the toughest of times too. As a social worker and story teller, I will always advocate for voices who need it. Your story matters and could help a stranger get through an immensely difficult time.

Thank you for being here.

Here is some of MY story:

On February 18th, 2020, I found out I had no indication of cancer re-occurrence after 5 years (since the end of chemotherapy)! I am feeling humbled to be in my 6th year of recovering from cancer and adapting to life in a wheelchair. I know many loved ones surviving cancer do not get this kind of good news often. I am fortunate to be here. I know how to be sick in this body as I have lost so much and in some ways have grown used to that... I want to be better. Push Diaries Podcast will teach us how to move forward, and how people around us every day are rising above their situations. If there is one thing I do know after this trauma, it is this: I have to give up what I cannot control, find joy in every day circumstances, advocate for voices who need it, and spend my efforts transforming into a more peaceful being. Push Diaries Podcast is a project reiterating how life's struggles can be overcame! It showcases stories we can all relate to, be inspired by, and learn from. I am happy you are here! Welcome.

- Tess Pfohl, 32 years old, Minnesotan—born and raised, a Michigander today!

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